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In the center is Metatron’s Cube, it is a powerful meditation tool. Following the energy lines through the pattern can be soothing and beneficial for clearing the mind. The meditator can then delve deeper within themselves and achieve greater self-awareness The Metatron’s is also said to conduct and repel energy in sacred geometry. If you concentrate on the symbol and visualize it rotating clockwise, you will be able to dissipate negative energy while also drawing positive energy from the universe into yourself. It houses the Flower of Life within the Divine masculine and feminine creative aspects, that are necessary for creating balance.  The mountains in the background bring peace to me when I am out in nature and feel connected to all around me. The birds represent freedom to soar and follow my dreams. My intention for this piece is to also serve as a meditation tool. May you be filled with peace, love and light. There are 19 total in this collection 3 are the artist edition. And the other 16 are all different and unique i there own way. Please join discord to stay connected and for future airdrops. Thank you for taking the time to check this collection out.

Metatron 06


This was the piece I submitted for the #findingbalance art challenge. Digitally hand drawn by Samadhi Designs. In the center is Metatron’s Cube, it is a powerful meditation tool. Following the energy lines through the pattern can be soothing and beneficial for clearing the mind. The meditator can then delve deeper within themselves and achieve greater self-awareness The Metatron’s cube is also said to conduct and repel energy in sacred geometry. If you concentrate on the symbol and visualize it rotating clockwise, you will be able to dissipate negative energy while also drawing positive energy from the universe into yourself. It houses the Flower of Life within the Divine masculine and feminine creative aspects, that are necessary for creating balance.  My intention for this piece is to also serve as a meditation tool. May you be filled with peace, love and light.

Metatron 06

Lisans: Pub/NonComm
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Mint adresi: S366...1fbp
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