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Play as Draexx (Alien), Druid (Cyborg), Quelorian (Alien), or Human (Biological) in Powrush, the Post-Apocalyptic P2E(Play-to-Earn)+P2L(Play-to-Learn) or to shorten it, PNL2E(Play-and-Learn-to-Earn) it's a game of the MMORPG(Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Genre, under development since 2016 by Autonomicity Games, to produce the Most Rewarding Game Ever! The Founding Powrushers NFT Collection is comprised of unique, one-of-a-kind assets, presenting a glimpse of what’s to come in the World of Powrush, with an Opportunity to Own a Piece of Autonomicity Games History! We're Committed to Making Powrush Vastly Enthralling, by Crafting it Patiently with Quality in Mind; for You, the End-users, to Behold the Most Phenomenal Experience Possible! Players can Own & Customize Land NFTs for Potential Earnings. Lands generate income by having commercial developments, such as repair shops for other players to fix vehicles & equipment. Land may also be Leased to middlemen, which pay a portion of leased Land earnings as their lease fee. Land can also be sold off in sectioned lots. Holders of one or more Powrush NFT(s) from Official Powrush Collections are Granted Access to the Powrush Ecosystem. This includes Early Access plus many more privileges such as receiving free Powrush NFTs in the future; specifically, but not limited to, Powrush items, vehicles, and equipment from our future NFT Collections, for use in the game and to trade on the marketplace; at no additional cost to Previous Powrush NFT Owners. Learn more on the Official Powrush Websites as we continue to update them with more features to Serve You Better: & Powrush.x By purchasing Powrush NFTs you allow us to launch sooner, with higher quality & more features! We hope you Love our Work so far, because we can’t wait to Present the Complete Vision for Powrush once it’s Ready for Launch!












Earth was Fractured, and its gravity was reduced due to less physical Earth mass, which was caused by the Global Human War, that the Draexx Aliens made happen by manipulating Global Countries through false-flag attacks to Incite War Amongst tall Humans so, that the Draexx Aliens could more Easily Conquer Earth, to Replace their Barren and Wasted Home Planet of Draellon; which was Consumed by Greed and Destroyed by Endless Draexx Wars. Obtain Early Access to the Powrush Ecosystem & Propel Autonomicity Games Faster Across the Finish Line to Launch Powrush by Collecting an Early Piece of 3D Animated Art from the Production of Powrush. The HODLer of this Fractured 3D Earth NFT is Entitled to a one-time claim of a Legendary Blueprint to use for Engineering a Navigation System in the World of Powrush, at no additional cost; which will become Claimable once Powrush is Released. Note: This NFT can be personally or publicly displayed. However, this NFT is not permitted to be used for commercial exploitation. This NFT does offer access to the Powrush Ecosystem, and collector(s) may choose to use this NFT as their key for Powrush Ecosystem Access. © 2021 Autonomicity Games Inc.® Autonomicity Games, Powrush® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autonomicity Games Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fractured 3D Earth

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İkincil satışlarda içerik üreticisi telif hakkı ücretleri: 6 %
Mint adresi: CBUq...ZY71
NFT meta verileri: SolScan'de görüntüle
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