Embark on a cosmic journey with our galactic-themed NFT collection, where art meets real utility in our ecosystem. Each tier offers unique benefits: Tier 1: Stellar Explorer (Silver) - Unlock access to exclusive community events, staking rewards, airdrop bonus 1.5x. Tier 2: Galactic Voyager (Gold) - Enjoy all Tier 1 perks plus airdropped bonus 2x , special voting rights on upcoming projects, and staking rewards. Tier 3: Cosmic Conqueror (Platinum) - Experience all benefits from Tier 1 and Tier 2, with added VIP access to secret content, 3x airdrop bonuses, and staking rewards. Stake your NFTs to earn tokens and multiply your rewards with each tier. Hold, stake, and explore the limitless possibilities with our collection!"
x1.5 Airdrop