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Culture of Women - Women of Today is the 3rd exclusive edition of 50 NFTs, dedicated to all outstanding women around the world! Each NFT is a hand-drawn piece of art featuring portraits of 50 iconic women. We have selected women of science, art, music, politics and philanthropy who are changing the world every day.

CoW - WoT - 14


women of today

Linda Cruse

Culture of Women - Women of Today is the 3rd exclusive edition of 50 NFTs, dedicated to all outstanding women around the world! Each NFT is a hand-drawn piece of art featuring portraits of 50 iconic women. We have selected women of science, art, music, politics and philanthropy who are changing the world every day.


CoW - WoT - 14

Lisans: Hiçbiri ekli değil
Bu NFT şu anda ilan edilmemiştir!
Satın almadan önce her şeyi iki kez kontrol edin!Sahteler nasıl tespit edilir?
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İkincil satışlarda içerik üreticisi telif hakkı ücretleri: 5 %
Mint adresi: 9KBc...WbQY
NFT meta verileri: SolScan'de görüntüle
Bu koleksiyondan daha fazlası