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6666 Citizens coming to take over #Solana. The first deep sea gameified metaverse economy built to last around a currency: $TRTN 🔱. 📈$400k LP

SS Citizen #6462


Triad Background


Triad Fin

Branch Blade

Triad Body

Orange Skin

Triad Clothes

Robes Of Midas


Egg Of Midas

Triad Eyes

Eye Patch

Triad Mouth

Hot Breath

Shill City Citizens is the Genesis pfp collection of the the Sea Shanties Defi Metaverse. A deflationary collection of 6666 Crime lords fighting for control of the synthesized krill trade. Build your gang and send them on missions through our P2E Gamefied Staking platform.


SS Citizen #6462

Lisans: Hiçbiri ekli değil
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Satın almadan önce her şeyi iki kez kontrol edin!Sahteler nasıl tespit edilir?
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İkincil satışlarda içerik üreticisi telif hakkı ücretleri: 8 %
Mint adresi: 836x...NBUa
NFT meta verileri: SolScan'de görüntüle
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