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Make sure to Include NSFW! all art pieces made by me using adobe illustrator. This is just the beginning of my NFT journey and I want to connect with other artists. Go to my socials, so we can chit chat, @heyitsirish_nft

Messed Up World


“Messed Up World” is the artwork that tells about my story in life. Made digitally by heyitsIrish! 4080 x 3080 px in 300 dpi Messed Up World. 7/8

Messed Up World

Lisans: Pub/NonComm
Bu NFT şu anda ilan edilmemiştir!
Satın almadan önce her şeyi iki kez kontrol edin!Sahteler nasıl tespit edilir?
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İkincil satışlarda içerik üreticisi telif hakkı ücretleri: 5 %
Mint adresi: 3ATv...VBKj
NFT meta verileri: SolScan'de görüntüle
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