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Daha Fazla Koleksiyon

    CyberGothica — GEN#1


    Arz 431



    Please be aware that it can take a few minutes for the on-chain activity to be displayed here.
    In our game, all players have their own NFT-warrior and compete with each other in battles. All NFTs will be split into 4 generations, and each generation will have its own supply and rank. Also we introduce merging system: if you have 4 NFTs with the same rank and from the same generation, you can merge them into 1 — more valuable and rare NFT with more complex art! Supply of each generation: GEN#1 — 8192; GEN#2 — 16384; GEN#3 — 32768; GEN#4 — Unlimited supply of warriors. Warriors from GEN#1 will have the highest rank and the biggest rarity in whole collection. NFTs from GEN#2 and GEN#3 will have lower rank, but still be very rare. GEN#4 cannot be merged, and they will not have any rank. This generation will be like an entrypoint to our game. Get your Warrior with highest rank when it is not too late!